A lot of blogging has gone on about the new book clutch bags which various A listers have been seen trotting around town with. But while they make look like boxes - they are far from it. They are clever little box bags which can stash the bare minimum of evening apparel. Not big enough for twenty Benson or a hipflask...but definately the right size for lipstick, purse and a few bob for a bulmers.....

The bags/books -boogs - are part of a new collection by Olympia Le Tan. I couldn't find much information on a borderline useless website - other then that the bags are made in Paris. Which is where the designer is from.

So, that's yer lot folks. No more information on them for you. But how COOL? If there is one for 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac. I would have to have it. I can't even find how much these are. Which depresses me.

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