Miss World has begun and here are our choices for the Head to Head Challenges...
Group 1
Who should win ?
1st= Mauritius
2nd= Australia
3rd= Czech Rp
4th= Ghana
5th= Ethiopia
6th= Peru
Who will win?
This first outcome is very far from what it should be and only proves that when it comes to choose the best of the group the country that has more people or is more active in social media will prevail, regardless of the quality of its candidate. Good Luck Mauritius, great work!
Group 2
Who should win ?
France (Top Model)
Cayman Islands
1st= France
2nd= Cayman Islands
3rd= Barbados
4th= Georgia
5th= Paraguay
6th= Germany
Who will win?
France is the Top Model Winner therefore her place in this group should go to the well spoken Cayman Islands. However it is Georgia who seems to move forward on this round.
Group 3
Who should win ?
South Africa
Group 4
Who should win ?
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