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Cool-Toned 3D Cube Nails

Hey there!! I hope you're doing well today and things are working out somewhat ok, especially you hilarious people doing the 31 Day Challenge, I just don't see how anyone has any time?? I have none, I can barely paint my nails once a week let alone 7. Oh the days when I had the time, and still I didn't complete in 31 days. I did this design when school was starting again so when I felt depressed at least I had cool nails. Matteing this was a mistake though, the colours dulled and my matte topcoat is adding white specks that are not easy to remove (at all).

So ignoring the flaws I pointed out in my intro I really like this design, 3D cubes always look cool. I love the colour scheme too. Also the fact it isn't a full design made it mad spiky the other way round and I really really like that.

I did the black outline and then filled in the spaces, it was very easy to go over the lines so I had to redo things so much. I just went one colour at a time so it was very random. But I like the outcome, I don't think any colour dominates.

Blue: Models Own - Asscher Blue
Black: Rimmel - Black Pearl and Ciate - Chalkboard Paint
Darker Blue: Barry M - Malibu
Mint Green: Barry M - Pole Position
Pinky Purple: Orly - Frolic
Purple: Illamasqua - Jo'Mina

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day!! :)

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